Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How Not to Launch a Boat

There was a bit of excitement and a lot of colourful language at the boat ramp this morning when a commercial crab fisherman launched his boat. And his car. We loaned our snatch strap and another guy pulled him out-the car wouldn't start. It was amazing how much water was in that back end!!!!

A local arrived to load up a tanker with sea water and told us it's not the first time the guy has done it!! He's the only one of the fishermen I've seen who doesn't drive a 4WD-maybe it's time he bought one.

It was a bit choppy when we finally got out this morning, but it settled down and we came home with 12 good sized crabs and 6 King George whiting. Tonight I'm making Crab Enchiladas (based on a chicken enchilada recipe given to me by Todd)using the meat of the 5 smallest crabs.

We have new neighbours who I recognised from Baffle Creek Queensland a few months ago. They were relief managers at the park there when we met them and Cec was kind enough to show us how to throw our cast net.

1 comment:

jewelies said...

That is a funny story.
Love Amber