Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Day 9 in Denham, we were able to get out at Monkey Mia to crab. We've had a couple of days of big wind and rain and haven't been able to do anything, so it was lovely. Denham has had as much rain in 3 months as they'd had in the 3 years previous, so it's looking great.

Fishing for bait, and then crabbing, was slow ( 5 crabs in 3 hours), but just as we decided to head for home with enough crabs for our dinner (crustless crab quiche) we pulled the pots up and caught 6 crabs out of 7 pots (lost one pot to someone running over the line). We caught 3 small sharks in the pots today, and had a dolphin and calf come visit us for a very short while.

Our neighbours Ron, Carmel and Craig were happy to get 6 nice big cooked crabs tonight!

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