Thursday, April 09, 2009

Narawntapu National Park

Narawntapu National Park is about 35ks from Port Sorell (you look at it across the Rubicon Estuary and the park sits between that and the ocean. We hadn't visited it, but had a couple of hours to kill yesterday (due to high level of organisation packing the day before ;-) )

It (the park) was a former spud farm and is really quite flat and featureless, but it has some nice camping areas, a lot of birds and wild life and is unique in that you can take along horses (there is a large holding yard) and ride on designated trails. The yards have a camping area alongside, so it would be wonderful for horsey people.

We were rapt to see a wombat and her baby grazing on the short grass by the visitor's centre-it's the first time I've ever seen a little on up so close.

Finally we got on the boat and had another super smooth trip across Bass Strait. I forgot and left a glass on the kitchen bench. It was in exactly the same place I left it when we arrived in Traralgon. The boat docked at 5.50 and we were off and on the road by 6.10am. We'd planned to go to Leah's for breakfast, but figured Jan and Russ at 6.15 would be too much for the poor girl and headed to Traralgon. We were at the caravan park by 10.00 after stopping for breakfast in Bunyip. The chatty roadhouse owner somehow got to telling us lots of travellers were passing through eg, the people beside us were from Warrnambool. What a small world. They live on Caramut road and their daughter lives in flats at number 14 Panorama Ave (we live across the road at 15!

We got set up, then went and had lunch with Dan, Verity Kobie (the birthday boy today) my ex Allan and his new lady friend Sue. Tonight we are off to a little party for him at Verity's parents. Kobie cried when he saw us but cheered up when we produced one of his birthday presents (a Koala camping chair) which he really loved.

The Birthday Boy

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