Sunday, March 08, 2009


We've extended our stay in Richmond and will have been here 9 nights when we leave on Wednesday morning. It's been a lovely time here as the park has been pretty quiet and I've enjoyed the en suite!

We've been out every day exploring the area and Richmond is close to Hobart so have managed to get into there a couple of times. We had to go in Friday and buy a new oven as ours has given up the ghost. It seems so many things are pre-programmed to pack up just after they are 12 months old and out of warranty. It's done a mighty job and done it in tough conditions, living outside in the salt air and dust mostly. I can't believe we lived without one for the first 18 months-it's something we consider essential now!

On Friday we had a friend of mine Peter to dinner-we both belong to Recipezaar and it's the first time I've met him in person. It was fun and good to feed him some of the ton of fish we have in the freezer. As we were sitting outside, Russell notice one of the van's tyres had shredded and was peeling off (might be a kerb we hit fairly hard in Launceston!) anyhow, he is out changing the wheel as I write. This is the first car or van wheel we have had to deal with in our 3 years of travel-I hope it's not a sign of things to come.

Peter and Me

Yesterday we drove to Campania to the farmer's market-the trouble was it's on Sunday (yesterday was Saturday). No matter, we had the camera, jumpers and water, so we headed down to Port Arthur. We'd been there before about 5 years ago, so rather than go again, stopped in all the little towns and villages and touristy things we went by last time. Just outside Sorell, we stopped at a veggie barn and were amazed to see eye fillet steak at 9.99 per kg. Our plan was to get some on the way home.

Lookout near The Arch

We stopped at The Blowhole, Devil's Kitchen, Tasman Arch, had lunch in a bakery and the last stop was some amazing convict ruins at the site of a coal mine about 10ks from Port Arthur. It was where they sent the really, really naughty prisoners and apparently a very grim place. I was amazed to find we were the only ones there on a busy long weekend. There was lots of info and it was free!

The Devil's Kitchen

Coal Mine Ruins

At the veggie barn on our way home, I was devastated to discover all the fillets were gone, so this morning, we went to the farmer's market and then back there and got our fillets. Even if they are dreadful, they would be cheaper than most stewing steak at $9.99. We got a heap of bananas too as they were 99c and the cheapest we have seen them was 3.99 but most often they are around 5.99kg.

Tomorrow, we are having dinner with Paul and (friends of my friend Julie).

There has been a lack of photos lately because I deleted quite a few off my camera by accident!

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