Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wendy and Paul

Monday we drove out to Seven Mile Beach then on to Opossum Bay-it's on the other side of the bay from Kingston and Snug and is very pretty. The last little town on the point (Opossum Bay)is like a step back in time with tiny holiday houses jammed together on the sand dune right on the beach. I'd say very little has changed in 50 or 60 years. As the point is surrounded by water and it was a nice day and public holiday, we saw heaps of yachts and various boats out in the waterways.

Roaring Beach

We came home for a latish lunch and just lounged around until it was time to go out for dinner with Wendy and Paul. They are a lovely couple who our friends Dave and Julie put us in touch with. They have taken a year off work and are travelling around Australia in their van. Like us, they were complete novices at this when they started out a couple of months agao, but are settled in and loving it. The night went so fast as we all seemed to have so much to say and the waitress who took our photos couldn't beileve we had never met until just outside her restaurant that night. It might have been some of the worst Chinese any of us has eaten, but it was a night I'll think about often!

Dinner with Paul and Wendy

Today we drove to Sorell, then Cambridge and finally Hobart looking for a tyre place. In desperation, we stopped at a garage and he sent us to the one they buy from. The tyre was fitted and we were on our way in 20 minutes. He (the tyre fitter) is worried our "stub axle" might be bent after hitting a kerb in Launceston when we were lost on the steepest, windiest piece of road we and the van had ever been on. Bummer if it is!

After another late lunch, we went downtown here and took some photos of the famous bridge then went to the Old Richmond Goal for a wander around. It was really interesting but I walked out promising I'd never be so naughty I could end up in prison! What a hard life those convicts led.

Richmond Goal

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